French(Design Exchange)journals
- 分类:books
- 发布时间:2024-11-01 17:19:15
- 访问量:2
【概要描述】法国《设计汇》FDA杂志12月刊封面故事介绍 POA建筑事务所刊登了潘成寿的独家采访,并评选为年度国际影响力封面人物
French(Design Exchange)journals
- 分类:books
- 发布时间:2024-11-01 17:19:15
- 访问量:2
Design Converge Magazine, founded in 2013, is a professional international design publication created by China International Interior Design Network (CIEDN). 2019 Design Converge Magazine reached a strategic cooperation with CEIDA (Central European International Design Association) in France and was registered at the Centre for the Registration of International Serial Publications (CIEPSISSN International Centre) in Paris, France. Apply for International Publication Number。
In 2014, POA Architects was featured in the cover story of the December issue of the French magazine Design Week, with an exclusive interview with Pan Chengshou, and was selected as the International Influential Cover Person of the Year. POA's column article ‘Phoenix Green Valley’ Belt and Road International Supply Chain Project in Zongxin Free Trade Zone was published, pointing out that we need to have a dialogue between universal architecture and the environment, and to take people's self-realization needs as the starting point, and to bring the oriental thought of ‘unity of man and nature’ into the architectural practice, so that green architecture can be used as the basis for the development of the environment. The article points out that we need a dialogue between universal architecture and environment, taking people's self-realisation needs as the starting point, and bringing ‘the unity of heaven and man’, which is in line with the eastern thought, into the architectural practice, so that the green, kind and natural eco-space environment can give people a comfortable and comfortable living experience, thus exploring the future road of organic symbiosis and sustainable development between people, architecture and environment。